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17 June - 04 July
Dates: 17 June - 04 July
Cost: R 12 500pp all inclusive
*ensure you have a passport with 6 months valid before expiry from travel dates above.
We will be going to 4 different areas in Zambia: Chisowa, Kaleya, Chandamali and, Livingstone
We drive in as a team, camp and support the local churches in that area, we teach, pray for the sick, minister to different groups and use the Jesus film to introduce people to the life of Jesus and much more…
We also enjoy a 3-day Vic Falls/Chobe experience at the end of our trip as we return.
How can you get involved:
• Be part of the team going
• Be part of the team praying
• Partner with us financially
• Partner with us to buy Tonga and Chichewa bible at R380 each
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